Sunday, December 26, 2010

Power of BioDisc

What is Bio Disc?

* The Bio Disc is a natural energy generating device that produces SCALAR energy frequencies that have no negative side effects.

* The energy created specifically rejuvenates molecular structures in all liquids.

* The molecular structure causes any liquid to become more hydratious, taste better and extend shelf life.

What is It Made of?

* The Bio Disc is made of 13 TECHNICALLY ENGINEERED natural minerals

* A NANO FUSION process using several high heat fusion methods, structurally bonds the minerals together, at a molecular level.

* The combination of the minerals and the fusion techniques produces a catalytic conversion of energy known as “Scalar Energy”.

* This 21st century technology develops a long lasting natural scalar resonance which has the ability to be transferred to any liquid, renewing the natural molecular chains.

How to use the BioDisc

Pour drinking water over the BioDisc. Collect and drink the energised water. It's energised instantly. Otherwise, stand the bottle of your drinking water on top of the disc for six hours or longer. If you poured chlorinated water, the taste and smell will disappear. Put in your refrigerator overnight and everything in it will be energised. Click here for more uses of Biodisc.

Benefits :

By drinking the BioDisc energised water, you'll benefit the following:

*It enhances the taste of food and beverages.
*Helps to improve sleep.
*Energises our body to be less fatigue.
*Helps balance the 'Ying' & 'Yang' and create a 'Chi' Life Force.
*The calming effects of the resonance, increases mental cognition.
*Help to detoxify and hydrate all body cells.
*It reduces stress levels.
*It increases take up of nutrients and food supplements.
*It increases oxygenation of the blood.
*It enhances the immune system of your body.
*Assist in pain relief.

Difference Between Other Products :

While other products may also energise water, BioDisc energised water will retain energised for months not just 48 hours. Furthermore, Biodisc is a tool that can transfer it's energy by direct contact or by light rays to our body. It's portable and requires no power source.

Bring it in your pocket or your handbag. Bring along when you travel. Make and share BioDisc energised water anywhere - during vacation, in the plane or even in the jungle

List of Diseases That Can Be Cure By Water Therapy using Bio Disc

* Blood Pressure/Hyper Tension
* Anemia (Blood Shortage)
* Rheumatism (Pain in joints/muscles)
* General Paralysis
* Obesity
* Arthritis
* Sinusitis
* Tachycardia
* Giddiness
* Cough
* Leukemia
* Asthma
* Bronchitis
* Kidney Stones
* Urogenital Diseases
* Uterus Cancer
* Constipation
* Diabetes
* Eye Diseases
* Irregular Menstruation
* Breast Cancer
* Headache

There is so much more........

Biodisc in National News- TV1


1. Biodisc Lumpuh

2.Testimonial 2


I was suffering from diabetes since 1987 at the age of 41 and ever since then, diabetic medication is my daily dose. It deprives me of certain foods which I have the urge to consume but advised by doctors to refrain, possibly for life and which I have to live with. At some point in time in early February 2007 my doctor suggested putting me on insulin as my blood sugar had gone way up above average. On learning this, I became paranoid and decided against it.

My good friend and colleague, Ms Lucy Goh at the Subordinate courts, Singapore (who had the Amezcua Bio Disc) kindly brought bottles of energized water daily for me to drink for the next 3 months. At my next appointment on 15th May 2007, my doctor noticed that my blood sugar had gone down and decided to put on hold the insulin intake.

In late June 2007, both my feet swelled up to almost 70% of its normal size. Filled with skepticism of what may come next, I was overcome with sadness and depression at the condition of the skin on both my feet, which now appeared dark-brown with my right foot showing a 2 cm deep wound filled with pus. My friend advised me to seek the opinion of Dr Wong at the Polyclinic on Saturday, 30th June 2007. Dr Wong told me that my feet were in a very bad condition, especially my right foot which was infected with pus. Dr Wong also cautioned that he would need to refer my diabetic case to a Specialist at Singapore General Hospital on Monday morning, 2nd July 2007 for medical assessment, and if necessary, to be prepared for amputation if the feet were found to be infected with gangrene.

It was the saddest day of my life, but my friend gave me hope, and compassion for my well being, she invited me to her home and used the Amezcua Bio Disc, a very special piece of glass which appeared to me like an alien object BUT with remarkable healing powers. This, I now consider is the most precious gift to mankind.

The Amezcua Bio Disc was used to energize my feet using a torchlight to shine through the disc onto my feet in an anti-clockwise rotation for between 15-20 mins on each foot. The same process was continued on Sunday, 1st July and Monday, 2nd July 2007.

The result was amazing! My swollen feet was almost back in normal condition, but the thought of amputation was ringing in my head and still fearing the doctor would send me to SGH, I deliberately visited the Polyclinic only at 2 pm on 2nd July 2007 and was reprimanded for being late. However when the Polyclinic doctor examined my feet, he was surprised to notice the amazing recovery such that there was no necessity to be referred to SGH. I was only prescribed some ointment and antibiotics and sent home instead of the SGH and advised to continue with the medication.

It was the turning point in my life and I was the happiest person! Grateful thanks to my friend and particularly the gift of time (the Amezcua Bio Disc) to mankind and wellness to one and all.

Ms Doreen Ong


My friends used to call me a migraine junky as I suffer from migraine attacks about once in 7 - 10 days. Not realising it, after drinking the Bio Disc vivified water, for the last 5 months, I had only got my migraine attacks twice! It has really given me a lot of freedom as I am not controlled by my migraine anymore! Thanks to Bio Disc!

Mr. Zainal Abidin Ismail


My daughter who suffered from MIGRANE for many years until panadol doesn’t have any effect on her pain anymore, and to the extent that the doctor need to give her jab whenever her migraine attacked.

And Thank God, after drinking Bio Disc water, now, she has no more migraine for the past few months.

Ms. Asha
Nairobi, KENYA


very nice post... Bio energy is the renewable source of energy and highly growing...

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